Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo

Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
The study titled “microbial examination of some bottled and Sachet water sold in Uyo aimed at determining the microorganisms present in bottled ad sachet water. micro biological techniques such as serial dilution culturing techniques, gram staining, microscopy and some biochemical techniques were used for isolation of the micro-organisms.
The bacteria isolated were gram negative and gram positive and the includes, Escherichia Coli, Streptobacillius, Bacillus, cereus and streptococcus falcali from the study it can be seen that the microbial load from of the samples analysed were high (i.e. 32,000 to 2000 colonies). The number of organism in each sample is for above the acceptable range which is 30 to300 colonies.
Therefore, it is recommended that proper method of packaging water should be observed by water packaging industries to prevent microbial contamination and the markers of bottled and sachet water should ensure that their storage facilities are effective to prevent the multiplication of these organisms while in storage
1.1 Background of the Study
Water of good drinking quality is of basic importance to human physiology and man’s continued existence depends very much on its availability. (Lamikanra, 1999: FAO, 1997). The provision of portable water to the rural and urban population is necessary to prevent health hazards (Nikoladze and Akastal, 1989; Lemb 2002). Before water can be describe as portable, it has to comply with certain physical, chemical and microbiological standard, which are designed to ensure that the water is palatable and safe for drinking (Tebutt, 1983).
Portable water is define as water that is free from diseases producing micro-organism and chemical substance that are deleterious to health (Thehoronge and Nigoddy, 1995). Water can be obtainable from a number of source, among which are stream, lakes, river, ponds, rain spring, and well (Linsely and Fra, Zini 1979; Kolade 1982).
Unfortunately, clean, pure and safe water only exist briefly in nature and is immediately polluted by prevailing environmental factor and human activities. Water from most sources is therefore unfit for immediate consumption without some sort of treatment (Ragmond 1992).
Following the theory of creation, it is clear that water is as old as man. From time immemorial, man has resorted to the use of this unique commodity of domestic and other purpose, most of our water supplies are from surface water which include, rivers, steam, lake, ocean, seas and there water bodies are likely to be polluted with domestic waste, industries and agricultural waste.
As population increases, the problem become more serious and as such, water can endanger the health and life of human being because when polluted by fecal material, it become potential carrier of pathogenic organism (Carpenter, 1977). Wide varieties of microorganism antigenic to human are transmitted by contaminated water. usually, these organism are inhabitants of the intestinal tract and are introduced into portable water by fecal contamination.
Water is of course, absolutely essential to life, not only human life both all lives, animal and vegetable. Most of the biochemical reaction that occur in metabolism and growth of living cells involved water and all take place in water (Comp et al, 1974).
Man uses water not only for drinking purpose but also for bathing, washing laundering, heating, air conditioning, agriculture stock raising and gardens, industrial processes and cooling water, power and stream power. The ground water, well, borehole, many people have defined ground water in different ways. Ground water is subtler water that occur where all pores in the soil or rock counting material were saturated (Pelezer et al 1992).
The atmospheric water which include rainfall. All water bodies consist of varity of bacterial and other micro-organism like the algae, fungi, which inhabit these natural water from external environment (Pelezer Reg 1997).
The generally of bacteria are mostly archabacter, and vibrio. These are gram negative, the gram positive bacterial which are found in water include, Micrococcus, Archabacter and Actinomycentes (Gebharal 1975). Tap water, as one of the water source is mostly used domestically. It is observed that tap change sometime the water tap will be clear this calls for load in order to be sure of it portability (Bonde 1997).
Natural water contain not only then natural flora but also microorganism from soul and possible from animals or sewage. Surface water in stream or pools and stored water in lakes and aired ponds very considerably in microbial content. (Frazier 1978) water according to my research is broadly divided into three types surface water which include; stream, river, lake sea, and oceans (Kelman et al 1957).
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
The increase in drinking water from different source especially in Akwa Ibom State has made necessary to investigate the microbial content of water. Water is a potential carry of pathogenic organism that can engage human life. Most of drinking water source are often contaminates with different pollutant like face, animal and plant waste, making such water unfit for drinking if not treated.
The pollution of water with pathogenic organism are other pollutants can only be detected by carrying out microbiological assessment of such water. Most human disease such as typhoid paratyphoiud cholera, arboebiasis, trichinosis, gastroenteritis, sanonall shigellosis diphtheria, giadia, ranunculus etc are known to be water borne disease (Ewing ton et al 1971).
Water born disease are those disease which have water as their vehicle an mission these disease are capable of destroying a whole community if not checked. Therefore the quickest ways to prevent outbreak of these disease and to determine the portability of such water source is to determine a microbial load or content, if the microbial content is not with acceptable limit, such water source should be condemned immediately (Fair et al 1970).
1.2 Statement of Problem
The availability of drinking water has been reduced significantly due to the current urbanization and road construction experience in Uyo. High accumulation of microbial waste, discharge of sewage jumping of industrial waste biodegradable and non-biodegradable solid waste in the major source of water (i.e. the stream) to the rural community, has ported serious health related issues as such there is need to evaluate the source of water supply (the stream, rain and borehole water) in Uyo.
Beside owing to the current incidence of typhoid and other water bone diseases encountered in rural area, this issue prompt the research on microbial and physic chemical analysis of water from different sources.
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
1.3 Research Questions
- What are responsible for high microbial load in Bottle and Sachet water?
- Is the Bottle and Sachet water pathogenic content high or low?
- Can bottle and Sachet water with high microbial load give rise to water borne disease if consumed?
- What are the micro-organism isolated in the bottle and Sachet water?
- Which techniques can be used in identification of microorganism in Bottled and Sachet water?
1.4 Objective of the Study
The specific objective of this project work is as follow:
- To investigate microbial level of bottle and Sachet water contains pathogens.
- To determine the pathogenic content of bottle and Sachet waters
- To compare the microbial load of two (2) selected water (bottle and Sachet water).
- To identify the type of micro-organism isolated in bottle and Sachet water sample.
- To determine the techniques used in identification of microorganism in bottle and Sachet water samples.
- To determine the physicochemical parameters in 2 source of water.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study will be advice to educate people on the harmful effect of polluted water due to the presence of microbial load found in it and to warn them to stop contaminating bottle and Sachet water and other source of water with human faeces, plants and animal waste into the water bodies. Also, advice industries on the harms against polluting water bodies like rivers, ocean and sea, etc with industrial waste and product which can be carcinogenic to human beings.
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
1.6 Limitation of the Study
- There was financial difficulty (Constrain)
- Lack of available reliable data
- In availability of all the equipment to carry out the practical.
- The time was too short to carry out this research.
- Inadequate power supply
- Lack of network from the providers to download materials
1.7 Scope of the Study
the study was to put under control by limiting its scope to microbial loads in two (2) selected water sample (bottle and Sachet), it effect mode of transmission, caused, prevention, controls, remedial measures taken by the W.H.O, economic importance and microbial load test carried out for its characterization isolation in Uyo.
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
1.8 Definition of Terms
Pathogens: Are infected microorganism such as virus, bacterial, protozoa, prim or fungus, they are disease causing illness to its host.
Disease: Is a condition of the living animal or plant body of one of its plants that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms
Contamination: This is simply means presence of a substance where it should not be or at concentrations above what is necessary.
Pollution: Is a contamination that results in or and result in adverse biological effects to resident communities. All are contaminant but not all contaminants are pollutants.
Microbial Load: This is the number (population) and types of microorganism contaminating an object or organism.
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Characterization: Is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. It involve the step by step description and details about a character in a story.
Impurity: Is a system of maintain standards in manufacturing products by testing a sample of the output against the specification.
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Consumption: Is a major concept in economics and is also studied in many other social sciences.
Epidemiology: The branch of a science dealing with the spread and control of disease. A widespread of disease that affects individuals in a population.
Portable Water: Can be defined as water that is free from disease. It is also water that is fit or suitable for drinking.
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo
Microbial Examination of Some Bottled and Sachet Water Sold in Uyo