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school resources utilization and academic performance in Government among secondary school students

School Resources Utilization and Academic Performance in Government among Secondary School Students

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The focus of this study was on the influence of school resources utilization and academic performance in Government among secondary school students in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Governemnt Area of Akwa Ibomm state. Three school resources which includes school buildings, library resources and teachers’ quality were used for investigation. Three research questions which related these variables to students’ academic performance in Government were raised to guide the study.

The population of the study consisted of all the students in the secondary schools in the study area. The study employed survey research design and simple random sampling techniques was used to select the respondent for the study. The instrument used in collecting the needed data for the study was Government performance test (GPT).

Data collected from the instrument were analyzed using independent t-test statistical method. The results showed that there is a significant influence between school resources utilization and academic performance in Government among secondary school students in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area.



 Background to the Study

School resources form integrated parts of the educational system and are observed as potent factors to qualitative and quantitative education. According to Adende (2005), learning can occur through one’s interaction with the environment. Environment here refers to resources that are available to facilitate students’ learning outcomes. Such resources includes library, laboratory, buildings, classroom, teachers, information and communication technology (ICT) centre etc., adequately equipped and properly utilized for efficient and effective learning. According to Oni (2012), resources constitute a strategic factor in organizational functioning.

This is so because they determine to a very large extent the smooth functioning of any social organization or system including schools. He further stated that their availability an, adequacy and relevance influence efficiency and high productivity. In his words, Farombi (2008) opined that the wealth of a nation or society could determine the quality of education in that land; emphasizing that a society that is wealthy will established good schools with quality teachers, learning infrastructure; that with such, students may learn with ease thus bringing about good academic achievement.

Writing on the role of resources in teaching and learning, Balogun (2012) submitted that no effective education programme can exist without the availability of necessary resources. This is because resources enable the teachers and learners to develop problem-solving skills and scientific attitudes. Ajaji (2010) reiterated that when resources are provided to meet relative needs of school system, students will not have access to the references materials mentioned by the teacher, but individuals’ students will also learn at their own paces. The net effects of this increase the overall academic performance of the entire student.

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In his study on resources concentration, utilization and management as correlates of students’ learning outcomes in Oyo state, Farombi (2008) found that the classroom learning environment in some schools was poor. He cited examples of schools without chalkboard, absence of ceiling, some roofing sheet not in place, windows and doors removed among others, a situation which the researcher regarded as hazardous to healthy living of the learners.

The problem of candidate’s mass failure in examinations will continue until the situation of schools in the country changes for better. Commenting on why academic achievement in not in vogue in Nigeria, Adesina (2011) identifies poor and inadequate resources, obsolete teaching techniques, overcrowded classrooms among others, as factors. Throwing more light on school resources provision, Faumi (2007) asserted that school resource when provided will aids teaching-learning process and consequently improve academic achievement of students.

In his words, Ojawo (2010), however, noted that certain schools are favoured in the allocation of resources at the expenses of others. Writing on poor performance of students in public examinations, London (2010) stated that those instances, where amenities are available many are of substandard quality. What is even more alarming is the correlation, which observers claim to exist between quality of resources and academic performance. Lamenting on the glowing inadequacies of school facilities in our educational industry, Akinkugbe (2014) opined that everywhere you look, primary, secondary, technical and tertiary setting, there is abundant evidence of crippling inertia, crucial neglect and a pervasive decay in values and standard.

School Resources Utilization and Academic Performance in Government among Secondary School Students

Other scholars like Wilson (2014), Ajaji (2013) have variously identified the significance of resources in the teaching and learning spheres. We can say that absence or poor (and/or deteriorating) quality and lack of educational facilities can affect academic performance. Gamoran (2012), however, holding a contrary view noted that facilities, teachers salaries, books in the library and the presence of science laboratory, had little impact on variation in student achievement once students’ background variation had been taken into consideration. This statement connotes that before such student could perform well in higher educational level, he must have been groomed or cushioned by availability of resources in his elementary days upon which he now uses as spring board.

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According to Hallack (2010); resources form one of the potent factors that contribute to academic achievement in the school system. They include the school buildings, classroom, libraries, instructional materials, recreational equipment and laboratories. It is against this background that the study sought to investigate the influence of school r4esources academic performance in Government among secondary school student in Ibesikpo Asutan local Government Area.

  • Statement of the Problem

It is one thing that resources to be provided to schools, another thing is for them to be in good conditions and the next thing is for them utilized to serve the purposes for which they are made available. It is quite pertinent as supported by many researchers like Bello (2012) that availability of school resources cannot bring about improvement in student academic performance if they are not properly utilized, even though they may be in good conditions.

The problem of massive failure observed from the preliminary training session to higher level of education in Government by the student is identified by researchers to be a consequence of lack of availability and improper utilization of the school resources by teacher for teaching of the subject. Poor performance of student will continue if provision and proper utilization of the available school resources are not encourage among teachers. Based on this problem identified, the researcher picked interest in investigating the relationship between school resources and academic performance in Government among secondary school students in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area.

School Resources Utilization and Academic Performance in Government among Secondary School Students

  • Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of school resources utilization and academic performance in Government among secondary school students in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area.

Specifically, the study sought to:

  1. Examine the influence of school library resources utilization and academic performance in Government among secondary school students.
  2. Examine the influence of school buildings and academic performance in Government among secondary school students.
  • Examine the influence of teacher’s quality and academic performance in Government among secondary school students.
    • Significance of the Study

It in anticipated that the research would help to create useful information to the teachers, student and the Government.

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To the Government in educational system in Nigeria, the findings of this study would bring to her awareness that school resources are utilized should also be taken into consideration when assessment on school facilities is carried out.

        The teacher and Government would also get to know the importance of ensuring that available facilities in schools are adequately utilized, and also ensure that personnel employed to see to the functionality of these resources are delivering their service effectively.

        Schools where resources are available and utilized by the teachers would realize through the results of this study.

  • Research Questions

The following research questions were raised to guide the study:

  1. What is the influence of school library resources on academic performance in Government among secondary school students?
  2. What is the influence of school buildings on academic performance in Government among secondary school student?
  • What is the influence of teachers’ quality on academic performance in Government among secondary school student?
    • Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study:

  1. There is no significant influence between school library resources and academic performance in Government among secondary school student.
  2. There is no significant influence between school buildings and academic performance in Government among secondary school student.
  • There is no significant influence between teachers’ quality and academic performance in Government among secondary school student.
    • Limitation of the Study

The study was affected by insufficient time, materials and funds.

  • Delimitation of the Study

The study was delimited to the investigation of school resources utilization and academic performance in Government among secondary school students in Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The resources that were taken into consideration were library, buildings, teachers, quality.

  • Definition of Terms

School Resources: these are human and material resources available in the school for teaching-learning process.

Government: Is a group of people that exercise sovereign authority over a nation, state, society or other body of people.

Library Resources: These are materials or devices available in the library such as books, and electronic devices.

Teachers’ Quality: Is the type of teacher employed to impact knowledge to the student that is qualified and unqualified, certified or non-certified. Teachers’ quality is a reflection of competence (for example, degree exam score, certification, knowledge of subject matter and experience).

Mr. Harrison

Project Gurus is a subsidiary website owned by Harrilibrary Integrated Services which was registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria that was established in 1990 vide Companies and Allied Matters Act no 1 1990 as amended, now on Act cap C20 Laws of Federation of Nigeria. Our aim and objective is to assist students all over the world on their educational research works. We are committed toward assisting students at all level of education in their academic work. We have a team of seasonal writers who are vested with the current knowledge in research work. For more information contact on via Email @[email protected] or WhatsApp us on +2348127963962

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