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The Influence of Team Teaching and Academic Performance of Students in Economics

The Influence of Team Teaching and Academic Performance of Students in Economics



The purpose of the study was to look at the relationship between senior secondary school students’ academic performance in Economics and team teaching. The Oruk Anam Local Government Area hosted it. The researcher came up with two research questions and hypotheses to direct the investigation.

All SS2 Economics students in the study’s research area make up the study’s population. One thousand six hundred and seventy-six (1,676) students make up the entire student body. From the four secondary schools used for the study, 200 pupils were chosen at random. The major tool utilized to gather data was the Economics Achievement Test (EAT). Independent t-test statistics were used to assess the produced data.

The data showed that team teaching has an impact on students’ academic achievement. The results also showed that, regardless of gender, male students outperformed their female counterparts in Economics when team teaching approaches were applied.

In order to improve student recall and knowledge of the lesson, the study advised teachers to make every effort to use the proper methods and strategies during class participation. To meet the demands of each of their unique students, economists should adapt their teaching style.


Title Page





Table of Contents


1.1    Background to study

1.2    Statement of the problem

1.3    Purpose of the Study

1.4    Significance of the Study

1.5    Research Questions

1.6    Research Hypotheses

1.7    Limitation of the Study

1.8    Delimitation of the Study

1.9    Definition of Terms


2.1    The Concept of Team Teaching

2.2    Team Teaching and students Academic Performance

2.3    Team Teaching and Academic Performance of male and female students

2.4    Summary of Related Literature


3.1    Area of the Study

3.2    Research Design

3.3    Population of the Study

3.4    Sample and Sampling Technique

3.5    Instrument for data Collection

3.6    Validation of the Instrument

3.7    Administration of the Instruments

 3.8   Scoring of the Instrument

3.9    Method of Data Analyzed


4.1    Results

4.2    Discussion of Findings


5.1   Summary

5.2    Recommendations

5.3    Conclusion

5.4    Suggestion for further Study



The Influence of Team Teaching and Academic Performance of Students in Economics



1.1   Background to study

Teaching is an attempt to help someone, acquire or change some skills attitude, knowledge and idea 0r appreciation. In other words, the teacher’s role is to influence desirable change in behaviour or in tendencies towards behaviour in the learners.

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This implies that, success in teaching is measured by the degree to which the teacher is able to achieve the desired learning in his or her students. To achieve this objective, the teacher must know how to select the content and method to use (Stari, 2001)

The Nigeria certificate in Education/Distance learning system course book defines Teaching method as a process of selecting, directing, controlling and evaluating the experience of the child to achieve the desirable outcome (Eddie, 2006).

Team Teaching can be seen as an arrangement which two or more teacher combine thoroughly in some level of collaboration in the planning and delivery of a course. Teaching method may also be seen as a broad and consistent manner of teaching that is guider by certain basic beliefs .

To achieved the objectives of education as stated by the federal Government of Nigeria (2004) in the National policy on Education, that, serious efforts must be made to ensure that teaching process take place in the school .This implies that conducive learning environment must be put in place and appropriate method must be adopted (Ousamali, 2001).

It is now being recognized that there are better ways to learn through the traditional methods of instruction (Wood and Genetile, 2003). Universities and other institutions are an increase awareness of the importance of the ways students learn.

Many of the standard   methods of conveying knowledge have been shown to be relative in effective on the students ability to master and the retain important concepts. Learning of economic through some method of teaching is passive rather than active. The traditional method (lecture, laboratory, and recitation methods) do not tends to faster critical and creative thinking and collaborative problem solving.

Wickens (2005) posits that team teaching organization pools the isolation of staff, economic effort by eliminating repetition and should lead to better quality teaching and learning process of course. Colleges and universities use the system or method of teaching. Each teaching, team compose of lectures and tutors within a department. Team Teaching as a form of teaching collaboration has long being implemented in education at all levels.

Sometimes, synonymous with co-teaching or collaborative teaching, it features teacher’s collective effort that is aimed at improving teaching quality as well as student academic performance. Many researchers have offered various definition of team teaching. Davis (2005) regarded team-teaching as an arrangement that include two or more faculty in some level of collaboration in the planning and delivery of a course.

On the other hand, trump and miller (2006) defined team teaching as an arrangement in which two or more teachers and their assistant, take the advantage of more teachers and their  competencies, plan, instruct and evaluate in one or more subject areas.

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Selection of appropriate techniques institution depends on the type of lesson whether practical or theoretical, the competence of the teacher to handle the technique and the nature of instruction itself. As such, this research intends to compare effect of team teaching with some other teaching strategy on students’ academic achievement in economic within Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

The Influence of Team Teaching and Academic Performance of Students in Economics

1.2    Statement of the problem

Student persistent poor performance in the subject of economic has been the main concerned of this research. Many method of teaching exit in education and all the method are meant to make teachers succeed in their bid to Disseminate Knowledge. However, little are considered on some factors that are necessary before selecting the appropriate methods.

 Also, some methods used in the teaching of economics students in secondary schools are not effective. This result in Poor teaching and learning process and this negate their academic performance in economic as a subject.

The increasing decline in student academic achievement  have been attributed to a lot of factors including the lack of teacher’s to use appropriate method in the class (Farrant, 1985).

Derek (2007) reported about seriousness of the deplorable performance of secondary school students economic and identities persistence use of the traditional mode of instruction as one of the major short coming that affect the learning and higher achievement in economic which has been partly ascribe to adequate teaching and instructional method adopted by economic teachers.

 In view of this, the study tends to investigate the effect of team teaching and academic performance of students in Economic in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

 1.3   Purpose of the Study

Team Teaching and academic performance of studying Economic in Oruk Anam Local Government Area was the main purpose this study. Specifically, the objectives of this study are:

  • To investigate the influence of team teaching 0n academic performance of students.
  • To investigate the academic performance of male and female student when team teaching method are used.

1.4   Significance of the Study

This study is of direct interest since functional education depends on effective and efficient instruction given by the teachers who are at the centre of implementing the school curriculum and educational policies. The research findings on this issue will:

(i)     Enlighten different educational authorities on the need to arm the teachers with appropriate techniques and methods during the teaching and learning processes.

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(ii)    Acid policy makers to formulate programmes aimed at adjusting the attitude of both teacher and student toward the teaching learning and academic achievement of the students.

(iii)    Serves as feedback to educational sector, especially the department of teacher training and development in the curriculum and evaluation.

(iv)   Enlighten teachers who will apply this method during presentation, to know and select the appropriate ones for each lesson, so as to develop interest and retention in the students.

(v)    The study will enlighten the general public on factors that significant contribute to academic success in failure of economic students.

1.5    Research Question

The following research questions were formulated to guide this study:-

(i)     How close Team Teaching method influence student’s academic performance.

(ii)    What are the differences between male and female academic performance when team teaching method are used in teaching economics.

1.6   Research Hypothesis

The following null research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

(i)   There is no significant difference between team teaching and academic performance of student in economic.

(ii)  There is no significant difference in academic performance of male and female student when taught with team teaching.

1.7   Limitation of the Study

Some constraints and limitation of the study include: time, period given for the completion of the study could hardly be enough for a wider and more in depth research into the problem on ground.

        Finance constraints also exerted a feet influence on the study for the study, for the researcher hardly gathered enough money to allow for the coverage of a large area.

1.8   Delimitation of the Study

This research is delimitated to team and student academic performance in economic in Oruk Anam Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.

1.9   Definition of Terms

Teaching: This is the act of impacting knowledge, skills and attitude by the professional of the less experience in an organized setting of an institution.

Teaching Method: This is the process of selecting desirable controlling and evaluating the experiences of a child to achieve desirable outcome.

Team Teaching: this is the process of teaching in which two or more teachers and their assistants taking the advantage of the more teachers and their competencies plan instruct and evaluate in one or more subject area.

Academic Performance: This is measured as the capacity of a learner in terms of a learner in terms of the attainment in quantities of specified learning objectives in a given curriculum.

Economics: This is the science that study human behaviour and relationship between ends and scarce means which has alternative uses.

Mr. Harrison

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