Project Materials

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools



This study was carried out to investigate the influence of the use of instructional materials and teaching effectiveness of business studies in secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. The study population comprised all the Business studies teachers in all the secondary schools in the study area. Two research questions and two research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

Survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample size for the study was twenty-eight (28) Business studies teachers in all the fourteen secondary schools in the study area. The instrument used in collecting the needed data for the study was researcher’s made questionnaire called Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire (UIMTEQ). Simple random sampling technique was employed to select the respondents. The method used in analysing the data collated was simple percentage statistical method.

The result of the findings revealed that there is significance influence of visual materials and audio materials in the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. Based on the result of the findings, it was recommended among others that teachers should use visual and audio materials in the teaching and learning of Business studies as this will help to arouse students’ interest towards the learning of Business studies in secondary schools. 

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools



1.1 Background to the study

Instructional materials are crucial to teaching and learning processes. A dedicated classroom teacher feels satisfied when he realizes the objectives he has set out to achieve for every lesson. In order to achieve this, a trained teacher employs a number of methods, design and actions, one of which includes the use of instructional material. Instructional materials are referred to as the resources which both the teacher and students used for the purpose of effective teaching and learning.

Okwo (2010) defined instructional materials as those materials that teachers can use in teaching to facilitate the learning of a particular subject or lesson. The lists of instructional materials are inexhaustible and their limit is the teachers’ level of resourcefulness, creativity and imagination. Rominse Owski (2009) listed instructional materials to include newspaper, magazines, pictures, textbooks, chalkboard, laboratory equipment, posters, bulletins, journal, radio, television, audiocassettes, tapes, film scripts and slide others are overhead and opaque, projector real objects and computer.

Visual materials can be developed to accompany the textbook or to represent whole units in themselves students can take part in developing materials. They can be asked to bring to the class magazines, empty cans, food stuffs, video films, folk tales or newspaper features. Ayogu (2012), stated that the teacher can draw from his own experiences in developing supplementary materials. He can introduce new topics and materials for practical work. He can also draw from his knowledge nutritional problems of student from a particular background.


From such knowledge, he can develop his own resource materials for remedying difficulties in nutrition, for instance writing a menu to ensure balance diet. Other materials may include films, games, cartoons word puzzle, advertisement and all sorts of media, material. According to Esim (2013), such materials offer living examples of or stimuli for the understanding of Business studies concepts in the real world.

The third principle is that no one set of material can suit all learning purpose for all time, when materials are improvised to supplement the textbook, they must not be regarded as permanent. The teacher should device a means of adapting instructional materials. He should bear in mind that his own supplementary materials will themselves be in need of constant review and modification (Anaekwe 2014).

Audio materials Ayoga (2012), noted that a resourceful teacher could make recordings of plays, discussions and passages to be read aloud for class work. The teacher could ask students of obtain interesting materials from authentic source such as taped broadcast, speeches, lectures, debates, interviews sketches. Audio appeal to the auditory senses of the learner and stimulate interest to learn, heighten motivation for learning because of their concreteness, foster captivity of thought when words are coupled with explanations and sounds, appeal to students to varied interest and ability and improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning.

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools   

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In spite of the importance of the instructional material to the teaching and learning of Business studies in school, it is observe that most students complain of being taught principles that seem to be abstraction in nature. It is on the strength of the above, the researcher deemed it necessary so as to high the role that instructional materials play in teaching of Business studies and also study the problem that are associated with effective utilization of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of Business studies in secondary schools.

One of the major problems facing educational sector in Nigeria is the low level of performance of secondary school students in both local and standardized examinations. It has become great concern for researching educators and all educational stakeholders over years.

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It was also observed that students usually failed examination owing to improper teaching methods and lack of essential materials for instructional delivery. This study therefore deemed it necessary to look specifically into the contribution of instructional materials utilization to the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area Akwa Ibom State.

1.3 purpose of the study

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the use of instructional materials and effective teaching of Business studies in secondary school in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. Specifically, the study sought to;

  1. Identify the use of visual materials in effective teaching of Business studies in secondary schools.
  2. identify the use of audio materials in the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study will be of great benefit to many people who will come across it with reference to teachers, school management, the students and the educational system at large in the following ways:

  1. Provide learners with systematic and scientific basis for worth wide functional and productively learning experience and activities naturally leading from abstract to concrete ideas.
  2. Bring learners into easy and direct contact with and explorations, of all processes, materials, events, situations, changes in time, speed and space which otherwise would be inaccessible.
  3. Help the teacher to arrest and sustain attention present facts and information teach concepts and principles, guide thinking and include transfer of learning. They will go a long way to help a teacher remediate any instructional take, situation or unit and introduce as well as help in reviewing instructional programmes.
  4. Enhance prompt and significant higher achievement in learners’ with the teacher is able to promote the learner’s perception understanding, reinforce and retain the learnt materials.
  5. The student will be of immense benefit to the government, the ministry of education, and the educational policy makers and administrators.

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

1.5 Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  1. What is the influence of visual materials in the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools?
  2. What is the influence of audio materials in the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools?

1.6 Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study:

  1. there is no significant influence of visual material in the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools
  2. there is no significant influence of audio material in the teaching of Business studies in secondary schools

1.7      Limitation of the Study

The researcher encounters some difficulties in obtained information for the study such as time frame and shortage of finance. The research was also limited due to inability of the researcher to combine other academic activities with the research work and to cover all the secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area.

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 1.8  Delimitation of the Study

The research work focuses on influence of instructional materials utilization and academic achievement of students in Basic science in secondary schools in Oruk Anam Local Government Area. This research work covers only public secondary schools in the study area. However, nine public secondary schools were selected for the study.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Instructional Materials: are the tools used in educational lesson which include active learning and assessment

Teaching: it is the work a teacher does in helping the students to learn or a discussion between a teacher and student

Business studies: is a subject that emphasizes the learning of activities that are performed

Secondary School: this refers to school which provide secondary education between age 11 and 16 or 11 and 19 after primary and before higher education.

Visual materials: it refers to these device that appeal to the sense of sight only such as chart, chalkboard.

Audio materials: refers to these devices that make use of the sense of hearing only, like radio, audio tape recording

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools



This chapter focuses on the work done by other researchers that are related to this study. The review will be carried out under the following sub-heading

  1. The concept of instructional materials
  2. The use of visual materials in effective teaching of Business Studies
  3. The use of audio materials in effective teaching of Business Studies
  4. Summary of literature review

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

The Influence of the Use of Instructional Materials and Teaching Effectiveness of Business Studies in Secondary Schools

Mr. Harrison

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