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Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso



This research work examined the preference of home delivery to hospital delivery among pregnant women in Mbiaso, Nsit Ibom Local Government Area. The research design of the study will be descriptive survey. The population of women in Nsit Ibom L.G.A is 88,010 according to National Population Census 2006.

The target population will be 100 pregnant women from 18 years and above from the following villages: Afaha Nsit, Mbiaso and Ntup, not considering their educational, social and occupational status. A simple random sampling technique will be use in this study to select the sample size of hundred (100) respondents.

The instrument for data collection will be a twenty (20) items structured questionnaire consisting of section A and B. The research instrument will be pre-tested by administering the questionnaire to ten (10) respondents outside the sample but has the same attribute of the sample area in order to determine the reliability index of the instrument.

Analyses of data were based on information obtained from the questionnaire. The data were collected, analyzed using frequency distribution tables and simple percentages

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso



1.1 Background of the Study

It is a known fact that right from the Garden of Eden, a woman was assigned the role of childbirth. Thus, it became necessary that women be assisted before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy. This is where the knowledge and practice of traditional birth attendant becomes relevant even till today especially in areas where public health facilities are either non-existence or insufficient. Modern health care delivery system entails adequate observations and prevention of those conditions that are detrimental to health of both mother and child thereby achieving a maximum standard of care.

According to Howie (2000), obstetric care world wide should be given a thoughtful look at. He further stressed that in developing countries even when material resources are limited skilled manpower who are responsible for the inhabitant of the neglected communities as they will accept the challenges and be willing to be involved in their own care.

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The National Safe Motherhood Programmes emphasized the provision of round the clock emergency obstetric services including transport and financial assistance. The programme has incentives for the mothers who choose institutional delivery. Before now, hospitals were sited in urban areas, leaving the rural dwellers at mercy of the traditional healers and spiritualists.

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Today, Government has realized the join responsibility of three tiers of Government. The Federal Government is vested with the responsibility of providing tertiary health care services, the State Government, secondary health care services and the Local Government, primary health care services with maternal and child health care and safe motherhood as one of its components.

The arrangement is to ensure effective right and care to all pregnant women till delivery, thus help in reduction of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality rate. Despite the effect of Government, most pregnant women do not make use of the available health care facilities (hospital) during delivery. They prefer to have their babies at home or in the church with reasons best known to them.

This become a thing of concern to the researcher hence the need to find out why these women prefer having their babies at home instead of hospital and health facilities. By these, their problems will be identified and possible solutions made to problems thereby reducing the incidence of infant and maternal morbidity and mortality.

1.2  Statement of the Problem

It is observed that even with the availability of health facilities and utilization of various hospital services by pregnant women, most pregnant women even the literate still prefer to deliver their babies at home even after booking and receiving antenatal care in the health centre. Some of these deliveries are usually conducted in an unhygienic condition exposing the mother and the baby to hazard which cab cause death.

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This becomes a thing of concern to be studies so as to understand some of the reasons behind the action.

1.3   Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to ascertain the preference of home delivery to hospital delivery among pregnant women in Mbiaso, Nsit Ibom Local Government Area.

Specific Objectives

  1. To ascertain if the cost of home delivery has influence for the preference of home delivery in Mbiaso.
  2. To find out the opinion of the pregnant women on the attitude of health care providers and other staff in the health centre.
  3. To access the level of competency of the traditional birth attendants when compared with health worker and midwives in Mbiaso.
  4. To find out how culture influences the preference of home delivery to hospital delivery in Mbiaso.

1.4  Significance of the Study

  1. The study is going to enlighten readers on factors that are responsible for preference of home delivery to hospital delivery. It will also help enlighten pregnant women of Mbiaso Village to see hospital delivery as the best and the safest therefore should make proper utilization of health care and maternity services provided for them by the Government.
  2. The study will help to enlighten pregnant women on benefit of hospital delivery and dangers associated with home delivery thereby reducing infant and maternal morbidity and mortality rate in Mbiaso Village.
  3. It will be beneficially to women, children, government, non-governmental organizations, community, religious leaders and as well the researcher who will want to research on the same topic.

1.5  Research Questions

  1. How does the cost of home delivery influence the preference of home delivery to hospital services?
  2. What are the opinion of the pregnant women on the attitude of health workers and midwives in Mbiaso?
  3. What is the level of competency of traditional birth attendants when compared to the health worker and midwives in Mbiaso?
  4. How does culture influence the preference of home delivery to hospital delivery in Mbiaso?
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1.6  Scope of the Study

  • The study will cover Mbiaso village in Nsit Ibom Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State.
  • It delimited to descriptive study design, instrument like questionnaire, simple percentages.
  • The study is delimited to one hundred (100) pregnant mothers in Mbiaso Village.
  • The study is delimited to preference of home delivery to hospital delivery among pregnant women in Mbiaso.

1.7  Operational Definition of Terms

Preference: Is an act of choosing home delivery to hospital delivery in Mbiaso.

Home Delivery: Is the type of delivery conducted in the hospital or health centre by trained health worker, midwives and doctor, obstetrician.

Traditional Birth Attendants: These are women or men who conducted delivery in their own home in Mbiaso Village.

Pregnant Women: Female of child bearing age from 18 years and above in Mbiaso Village.

Factors: This means circumstances or things that contribute to change in Mbiaso Village.

TBAs: Traditional Birth Attendants

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Preference of Home Delivery to Hospital Delivery among Pregnant Women in Mbiaso

Mr. Harrison

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