Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
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Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
The purpose of this study was to examine motivational techniques and the teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools in Itu L.G.A. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study was all the Biology teachers in the study area. A sample size of twenty-four (24) Biology teachers was drawn from all the twelve public Secondary schools in the study area using a purposive sampling technique.
The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, while the data collection were analyzed using simple percentage. The result revealed that motivational techniques such as regular promotion of teachers, prompt payment of teachers’ salaries, and provision of in-service training to teachers influence the teaching of Biology positively. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that teachers’ salaries should be paid as at when due in order to motivate them to carry out their responsibility effectively.
- Background to the Study
Teachers are the producers of the bank managers, oil miners, judges, chief accountants, lawyers, senators, governors, even the president. But it is the teachers that earn the lowest amount of salary, it is always the salary of the teachers that is always delayed and it is the arrears of salaries to teachers that are usually dumped in sides dustbins untouched.
According to Dweck (2014), the relevance of motivation and teachers’ job performance is very crucial to the long-term growth of any educational system around the world.
Teachers’ motivation is probably ranked alongside professional knowledge and skills, competencies, educational resources, and strategies as the veritable determinants of educational success and performance (Dweck 2014). In other words, needs, satisfaction, and motivation to work are very essential in the lives of teachers because they formed the fundamental reason for working in life. This means that teachers work in order to satisfy his or her life needs. For teachers to perform their teaching responsibility effectively, they need to be motivated.
Motivation according to Nkang and Eneh (2008) is any condition that initiates, guides, and maintains a response. Makheriee (2011) defined motivation as the process involved in arousing, directing, and sustaining behavior. It is a force that energizes and directs behavior and without it, ability alone will not result in achievement. It can also be described as the push behind behavior of certain goals.
Motivation could be classified into two which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the biologically inherent will, drive or tendency to perform an act. Examples of intrinsic motivation are curiosity, competence, etc. Extrinsic motivation refers to the external factors which make somebody to behave the way they do. Examples of extrinsic motivation are incentives, rewards promotion, prompt payment of salary, conducive working environment, and increase in salary to mention but few.
The Primary motive of any organization is the realization of the organizational goals. Therefore there are certain factors that need to be considered in order to attain the goals of any organization. One of the factors is the motivation of the employees. Therefore it is important for employers of labour to be fully equipped with all the motivational strategies and skills if the stated organizational objectives would be activated.
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
Effiong (2013) opined that if employers want their employees to perform effectively they should provide the necessary incentives to their employees (workers). Similarly, for teachers to be effective, they need to be motivated. According to Henry (2014), motivational strategies for teachers include increments in salary, provision of in-service training such as seminars, workshops, and conferences, promotion of teachers, and immediate payment of salary. He further opined that if all these conditions are taken care of, then the teachers will be satisfied with their job and they will be effective in their responsibility.
According to Lawson (2010), the teaching profession previously was accorded respect, honor, and dignity. This enviable profession was a sort of motivation for many teachers. But recently, the government and all its organs neglected teachers and educational sectors.
Ekpo (2012) revealed that teachers are not satisfied with their job due to the poor salary, unconducive working environment, and a lot more. Because of this unconducive working condition of teachers, the strike is a common action embarked upon by teachers every year. This has resulted in poor performance on the side of the teachers.
As a result, students are suffering because they are not receiving adequate instruction. Due to this background, the researcher considered it needful to examine the effects of motivational techniques on the teaching of Biology among secondary school teachers.
- Statement of the Problem
Teachers are the key players in the process of curriculum implementation and also are the ones responsible for molding students to help them excel in examinations and eventually succeed in life. Teachers, therefore, need the motivation to enhance their level of job satisfaction in order to undertake their duty effectively and efficiently. But the reverse is the case.
Teachers are the producers of doctors, lawyers, Governors, and even presidents. But it is the teacher’s salary that is lower than those in other professions. It is the teacher’s salaries that are delayed to pay. Because of these problems in their profession. Some of the even go to school for signing of time – books and abandon their teaching job for greener – pastures. As the result, students are suffering the effect. This, therefore, contributed for the decline in the academic achievement of students. Based on these problems, it motivates the researcher to carry out this study.
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
- Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to examine the effect of motivational techniques on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in the Itu Local Government Area. Especially, the study aimed at:
- Examine the effect of teachers’ promotion on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Itu Local Government Area.
- Examine the effect of prompt payment of teachers’ salaries on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Itu Local Government Area.
- Examine the effect of in-service training on the teaching of Biology among teachers in secondary schools in Itu Local Government Area.
- Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:
- To what extent does the regularity of promotion affect the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Itu Local Government Area?
- How does the prompt payment of teachers’ salaries affect the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Itu Local Government Area?
- What is the effect of in-service training on the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Itu Local Government Area?
- Significance of the Study
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
The findings of this study will be of great importance to the teachers, educational stakeholders, students, and other researchers in the following ways. The need of making the teaching profession attractive to teachers by motivating them through regular payment of salary, promotion, increase in salary, and other motivational techniques.
The teachers will also be beneficiaries because there will be regular payment of salary there will be provision for staff development. The students will also benefit because when teachers are motivated, there will be effective teaching and learning in school. This study will also serve as reference material for other researchers who will carry out research on similar or the same topic.
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools
Motivational Techniques and the Teaching of Biology in Secondary Schools