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Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

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1.1 Background to the Study

All stakeholders in education system (parents, guardians, psychologists, teachers, and councilors are so much concern about pupils’ motivation and academic achievement. This is probably because of success in education is highly instrumental to the development of nation. This includes scientific and technological development, socio-economic and political advancement and life success. Pre-primary education is the bed rock and foundation to academic achievement, if good foundation is laid at this level there likely to be no trouble at secondary and tertiary levels.

To Guthrie (2011), learning is repeating what you did in the circumstances and forming habit. Also Thorndike, Ngwoke and Eze (2010), sees learning as selecting and confirming responses.

According to these theories responses that are followed by satisfaction are reinforced and because more probably in future. Responses that are not reinforced are weakened and are less likely to re-occur in future. Muffin (2000) referred to learning as “the act, process or experiences of gaining knowledge or skill”.

Boyd and Wood (2008) defined learning as a relatively permanent change in behavior knowledge, capability or attitude that is acquired through experiences, while Kezaiah and Lawrence (2003) defined learning to embrace progressive series of behavioral change and experience. For Ngwoke and Eze (2010), learning involves the learner observing a model, identifying with the model and finally initiating the model. According to them, results in acquiring new knowledge, ideas, skills values, and experience which enable one to modify his action or achieve his goals.

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It is a relatively permanent changes in behavior “which results from activities, training or observation”. In the light of this study, learning is seen as a process which causes a change in the behavior of pupil, resulting from experience or interaction between the pupils and his environment. It is the process of adaptation which may lead hopefully to better adjustment and achievement of life goals.

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

This adjustment can be acquired through parental motivation toward academic achievement of the child. Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explained behavior. It represents the reason for peoples’ actions, desires, and need. Motivation can also be defined as one’s direction to behavior or what cause person to act in a certain way or at least develop an inclination for specific behavior. According to Machr and Mever, “Motivation is   a word that is part of the popular culture is few other psychological concepts are achievement generally is to accomplish whatever goals that are set to be accomplished.

 Hong and Lee (2003) stated that achievement is to complete, accomplish or get some things done. It is a goal attainment of someone obtained through hard work, courage and determination.  Adekola (2008) believed that there are two components of high achievement and low achievement. The origin of higher or low achievement of a child as reported by Kolenik (1995) are assumed to be in the family and cultural group of the child.

If academic achievement initiative and competitiveness are encouraged and reinforced in the home, a child is more likely to develop a high need for achievement in school.

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1.2 Statement of the Problem

Children with high academic achievement in English broadly depend on learning materials that would make learning attractive. In addition, when the motivation is not only verbal but physical.

Adversely, children with academic achievement can be attributed to lack of parental or guardians motivation.       When there is lack of parent-child relationship, infact, such children will not know why they should learn resulting in poor academic achievement.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

(i) To ascertain the influence of parent-child relationship on pre-primary school pupils motivation in English language.

(ii) Determine the influence of parental educational preparation on pupil’s academic achievement in English Language.

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions were proposed to guide the study:

  1. How does parent-child relationship influence pupil’s achievement in English Language?
  2. What is the influence of parent-child education preparation on pupil’s academic achievement in English Language?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

i.) Ho1: There is no significant difference between parental motivations and pupils’ academic achievement in English language.

ii.)  Ho2: there is no significant difference between parent-child relationship and pupils’ academic achievement in English language.

1.6. Limitation of the Study

This research work is made only in Ibesikpo Asutan L.G.A and specifically because of the children’s behaviour towards learning English language in this area.

It’s also due to parental attitude towards their children achievement in school.

Some parent believe that pupils achievement and learning take place and end in the school, such that pupils achievement are left solely on the hands of teachers. Since children achievement in school is affected positively by parental motivation, gender and home background, the study would be too wide.

  • Delimitation of the Study

This work will be narrowed to pupils in pre-primary schools and only parental motivation in academic achievement will be considered in this study. The study will center on the pupils academic achievement in English language in Ibesikpo Asutan L.G.A.

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Parental motivation and pupils academic achievement in English Language

Mr. Harrison

Project Gurus is a subsidiary website owned by Harrilibrary Integrated Services which was registered under the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria that was established in 1990 vide Companies and Allied Matters Act no 1 1990 as amended, now on Act cap C20 Laws of Federation of Nigeria. Our aim and objective is to assist students all over the world on their educational research works. We are committed toward assisting students at all level of education in their academic work. We have a team of seasonal writers who are vested with the current knowledge in research work. For more information contact on via Email @[email protected] or WhatsApp us on +2348127963962

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