
2023 and 2024 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors

2023 and 2024 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors

The term Social studies is the study of man and his relationship with other men and with the environment. They call upon many fields of knowledge for subject matter content. Social studies concern itself with human beings, those most fascinating of all creatures who, in a variety of ingenious ways, can devise means of meeting their basic needs and developing a social system in a wide range of different environments.

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Social science has traditionally been regarded as the parent discipline of social studies. Instruction in social studies is drawn from the following fields. Social study is the study of man and his relationship with his social and physical environments

These disciplines acquaint the child with his social and physical environments and have a unique responsibility to help the child learn those understandings, attitudes, and skills which are necessary for democratic citizenship. Social studies make an essential contribution to the social education of children. They have fact; a special responsibility to assist children to learn social living skills- Examples will be given.

10 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors for 2023 and 2024

As a way of locating the integrative threads that can be found in certain objectives, which are common to several courses, which require the correlation of facts and broad principles of theories and problems or which combine knowledge feelings, beliefs and values (Ajiboye et al. 2010). Ajiboye et al. did not mention what should be done with the integration threads after they have been located in the objectives, which have been presumed common to the several courses, of which these objectives are merely sub-divisions within the same discipline.

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2023 and 2024 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors

  1. Edinyang and Mezieobi (2013) defined social studies as an integrated field of study that probes man’s environmental relationships and imbues man with high-level intellectual skills, social skills, and competencies germane to solving man’s environmental diverse problems for better and effective living.
  2. According to Osakwe (2013) Social Studies is a course of study that studied human beings in various capacity of his interaction with his fellow counterpart
  3. According to Akpochato (2013) Social studies is a subject that foster new and integrated approach aimed at resolving the societal and environmental issue.
  4. Osakwe (2014) defines social studies education as “an integrated field of study that attempts to study man in dept within the ramification of his dynamic environments as well as equipping him with positive knowledge, attitudes, values and skills for purpose of producing competent, humane and effective citizenry who can contribute positively to the good of the society”.
  5. Njok and Sunday (2014) posited that social studies is an interdisciplinary subject that enables learners to acquire wide knowledge of the surrounding complex phenomena and forces that influence man in his society.
  6. Social studies is a program of study that a society uses to instill in students or learners the knowledge, skills, attitudes and actions it considers important in the relationships human beings have with each other, their world and themselves Mezieobi, Ossai, and Young (2013).
  7. Ezegbe maintains that social studies education has a primary objective of helping to produce good citizens who are of great benefit to Nigerian society.
  8. However, Famwang (2013) defined Social Studies as a subject dealing with human groups – people and their environment – the world over. They stated that Social Studies covers the nature and functions of these human groups; through their structure, organization and their interactions within the environment, though Social Studies derived its content from the Social Sciences and other related subjects, like anthropology, economics, sociology, social psychology, political science, geography and history among others, it’s not exactly these subject. They further agreed that Social Studies, as a subject, goes beyond factual knowledge of these subjects. It is intended to present questions, concepts, Issues, generalizations, and problems that would be challenging not only to the students but to the entire citizenry.
  9. Danladi (2015), defined social studies as that parts of the school’s general education programme concerned with the preparation of the citizens for participation in a democratic society.
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More scholarly attention to definitions of social studies as perceived, understood, and acted upon would be a contribution to literature in the field. Definitions change as terms are used, understood, and acted upon. In addition, many political-ideological dimensions of knowledge definitions become clearer as they are popularized, for example, the use of the term ideology itself changed from a relatively neutral term referring to the study of ideas to becoming a highly value-charged term often used popularly to deprecate strong or oppositional ideas. It is important to note again that substantial disagreement in scholarly work is positive.


Akpochafo, W. P. (2013). Are best pedagogical practices in social studies really the best? A lead paper presented at the 29th National Conference of Social Studies Educators Association of Nigeria (SOSCEAN) at the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, 15th – 19th July, 2013.

Danladi, E. N. (ed.) (2015). Social studies perspectives in Nigeria 1 Nimo: Rex Charles and Patrick Limited.

Edinyang, C; and Mezieobi, T. (2013). Poor Rural Neighbourhoods and Early School Achievement. Journal of Poverty, 6.89-108

FAMWANG W.V Ph.D Uyo. (2013). Social Studies education and the Nigeria society. Institute of Education, University of Jos.

Mezieobi DI, Ogaugwu, L.N. Ossai, J.N. And Young S.C (2013). Agenda for A Transformation Implementation Of Social Studies Curriculum In Nigeria University. Development Country Student 3(12), 100-104

Njok, P.C. And Sunday D.E (2014), Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting The Teaching And Learning Of Social In Nigeria. Journal Of Education And Practice. 5 (24), ISSN 2222-1735.

Obed D, (2019). Addressing Current Controversial Issues through the Social Studies Curriculum: Making Social Studies Come Alive. European Journal of Educational Studies 1(1), 25-34

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Osakwe, E. (2014). Social Studies and Integrated National Development in Nigeria. Ibadan: Kraft Book Limited.

2023 and 2024 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors

2023 and 2024 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors

2023 and 2024 Current Definitions of Social Studies by Different Authors

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